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I have been writing a monthly newsletter, covering a variety of topics, since early 2008. It has varied from 1 to 4 pages, but most are less than 2 pages. Coverage is mostly related to risk management and investments. Some are written at a high level, dealing with the general economy, and some cover very specific topics. I try to write something about the current financial environment, and there have been plenty of topics to choose from. The newsletters are educational in nature and do not constitute investment advice. The newsletters are released publicly to my web site after 3-6 months.

For those interested in a 12-month subscription, corporate entities should send $1,000 and individuals $100 in US currency payable to
Rudolph Financial Consulting, LLC
5002 S. 237th Circle
Elkhorn, NE 68022 USA

The newsletters are distributed via email, so please include an active email address.

December 2008 Should You Have a Chief Skeptical Officer?

November 2008 Book Review: The Four Filters Invention

October 2008 Unintended Consequences: Questions for Warren Buffett/Financial Services Bailout/Counterparty Risk/Leverage/Bank Contagion

September 2008 Bailout? Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac

August 2008 ERM: Its Role in Mergers and Acquisitions/Investing: Lessons from Charlie Munger

July 2008 ALM – Why Doesn’t Anyone Care Anymore?

June 2008 Economic Capital Shortcomings/Book Review: While America Aged (Roger Lowenstein)

May 2008 Observations from the 2008 ERM Symposium (leverage/investment risk/how bad is it?)/Worst investments: LVLT

April 2008 Investing in Companies Driven by Accruals/Investor Expenses

March 2008 Subprime: Where Were the Risk Managers?












© 2015 Rudolph Financial Consulting, LLC




Omaha, Nebraska, USA
(402) 895-0829